cargo ship - translation to ελληνικό
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cargo ship - translation to ελληνικό

Cargo carrier; Cargo Ship; Cargo ships; Freight liner; Cargo vessel; Ship Cargo; Cargo-boat; General cargo ship; Freight ship; Freighter (ship); Freighter vessel; Cargo boat; Freight liner (ship); Ship size categories; Freighter (cargo ship); Transatlantic freighter
  • Cargo ship at [[Puerto Cortés]] in Honduras.
  • A container ship unloading at Zanzibar, Tanzania
  • A US cargo ship off McMurdo Station, Antarctica
  • General cargo ship ''Namibia''
  • Comparison of ship sizes
  • cog]], a type of vessel commonly used for cargo in Northern Europe from the 10th to the 14th centuries

cargo ship         
φορτηγό πλοίο
sailing vessel         
  • Austronesian vessel]] with [[outrigger]]s and a [[fore-and-aft]] sail
  • lateen rig]]
  • A carved stone relief panel showing a [[Borobudur ship]] (Austronesian) from 8th century [[Java]], depicted with [[outrigger]]s and fore-and-aft [[tanja sail]]s
  • 1848}}
  • Diagram contrasting course made good to windward by tacking a schooner versus a square-rigged ship.
  • [[Schooner]]s became favored for some coast-wise commerce after 1850—they enabled a small crew to handle sails.
  • 1798 sea battle between a French and British [[man-of-war]]
  • Sailing ship at sea, rolling and heeled over from the force of the wind on its sails.
  • The marine [[sextant]] is used to measure the elevation of celestial bodies above the horizon.
  • Victoria]]'', which completed the first global circumnavigation.
  • ship]]
  • 2}} was the largest sailing ship ever built.
  • Seamen aloft, shortening sail
  • Roman warship with sails, oars, and a steering oar
  • Hull form lines, lengthwise and in cross-section from a 1781 plan
Sailing vessel; Sailing ships; Sailing craft; Sail ship; S/v; Sail ships; Sailship; Sail-ship; Sailing-ship; Sailingship; Automated sailing ships; Sailships; Autonomous sailing ship; Automated sailing; Self-sailing ship; Sailing vessels
batten down the hatches         
  • 300x300px
Cargo hold; Hold (nautical); Hatchway; Cargo hatch; Cargo space; Hold (ship); Deck hatch; Batten down the hatches; Cargo hatches; Hold (partition)
κλείνω καλά τα κουβούσια (πλοίου)


cargo pants
¦ plural noun loose-fitting casual cotton trousers with large patch pockets halfway down each leg.


Cargo ship

A cargo ship or freighter is a merchant ship that carries cargo, goods, and materials from one port to another. Thousands of cargo carriers ply the world's seas and oceans each year, handling the bulk of international trade. Cargo ships are usually specially designed for the task, often being equipped with cranes and other mechanisms to load and unload, and come in all sizes. Today, they are almost always built of welded steel, and with some exceptions generally have a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years before being scrapped.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για cargo ship
1. ISMAILIA, Egypt (Reuters) – A cargo ship chartered by the U.S.
2. Soon after, the cargo ship began listing and sank.
3. An American cargo ship under contract to the U.S.
4. That mission was delayed six months after a cargo ship collided with Mir in 1''7.
5. MIAMI –– A massive cargo ship that caught fire over the weekend is smoldering in Miami.